Annotation Interface Lob

@Target({METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Lob
Specifies that the annotated persistent property or field should be persisted as a large object to a database-native large object (LOB) type.

Portable applications should use the Lob annotation when mapping to a database Lob type. The Lob annotation may be used in conjunction with the Basic annotation or with the ElementCollection annotation when the element collection value is of basic type. A Lob may be either a binary or character type.

The LOB type (BLOB or CLOB) is inferred from the type of the persistent field or property. For string and character-based types it defaults to CLOB; for all other types it defaults to BLOB.

Example 1:

@Lob @Basic(fetch = LAZY)
@Column(name = "REPORT")
protected String report;

Example 2:

@Lob @Basic(fetch = LAZY)
@Column(name = "EMP_PIC", columnDefinition = "BLOB NOT NULL")
protected byte[] pic;
See Also: