Module jakarta.ejb
Package jakarta.ejb

Annotation Interface Timeout

@Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Timeout
Designates a method on a stateless session bean class, a singleton session bean class, a message driven bean class, or an enterprise bean 2.x entity bean class that should receive enterprise bean timer expirations for that bean.

The method to which the Timeout annotation is applied must have one of the following signatures, where <METHOD> designates the method name:

 void <METHOD>()
 void <METHOD>(Timer timer)
A timeout callback method can have public, private, protected, or package level access. A timeout callback method must not be declared as final or static. Timeout callback methods must not throw application exceptions.

If the bean implements the TimedObject interface, the Timeout annotation can only be applied to the ejbTimeout method.

EJB 3.0